START: km 9,6 CV 735

LENGH: 2.7 km.

Linear route

LEVEL DIFFERENCE: maximum 196 m

DURATION: 90 min.


The CV 735 is the road that runs parallel to the southern slope of the Montgo from  Dénia a La Xara, a Jesús Pobre, A Xàbia, etc.

 The starting point is a paved road next to the Centro Ocupacional y de día La Xara.

When the road ends, about 300 m, we will find on the right a path that winds up to the Alt Alt de Benimaquia, an important Iberian village of the VII BC which, probably because of the influences, was the first place where wine was made in the Iberian peninsula.

From here, the path is practically flat and surrounds the village on the left until we find, about 2 km from the start, 'the house of the guard'. From there we will take the path that is to the left and that will lead us through a pine forest, passing through different signposted crossings for not to lose the main path.

Finally, we go direction Coll de Pous (remains of another Iberian village of Attic origin (VI BC) and we will finish the route.